Create Crosstab From Raster List
This function takes a list of raster files, creates a stack, and returns a frequency table (crosstab) of the stack. The frequency table is filtered to remove rows where the frequency is zero.
- land_cover
A list of 'SpatRaster' objects.
- zone
A SpatRaster' object of planning unit/zone
if (FALSE) {
# Read in the legend for raster data
subset_legend <- LUMENSR::lc_lookup_klhk
# Read raster files
raster_files <- c("kalbar_LC11.tif", "kalbar_LC15.tif", "kalbar_LC20.tif") %>%
map(LUMENSR_example) %>%
# Loop through raster files
land_cover <- map(raster_files,
~apply_lookup_table(raster_file = .x,
lookup_lc = subset_legend))
# Turn raster files into a frequency table
crosstab_result <- create_crosstab(land_cover)