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KLHK land cover map of East Nusa Tenggara province for the year 2020

KLHK land cover map of East Nusa Tenggara province for the year 1990.

KLHK land cover map of West Kalimantan province for the year 2011.

KLHK land cover map of West Kalimantan province for the year 2015.

KLHK land cover map of West Kalimantan province for the year 2020.

A lookup table that maps land cover codes to land cover descriptions for the Indonesian Ministry of Environment and Forestry (KLHK).




A RasterLayer object of the land cover map.

A RasterLayer object of the land cover map.

A RasterLayer object of the land cover map.

A RasterLayer object of the land cover map.

A RasterLayer object of the land cover map.

A data frame with 23 rows and 2 columns:


The land cover code


The land cover description


Ministry of Forestry and Environment of Indonesia Land cover data of East Nusa Tenggara of 1990

Ministry of Forestry and Environment of Indonesia Land cover data of West Kalimantan of 2011

Ministry of Forestry and Environment of Indonesia Land cover data of West Kalimantan of 2015

Ministry of Forestry and Environment of Indonesia Land cover data of West Kalimantan of 2020

Ministry of Forestry and Environment of Indonesia The Indonesian Ministry of Environment and Forestry (KLHK) Land Cover Lookup Table

The data was obtained from the Indonesian Ministry of Environment and Forestry (KLHK).


#> # A tibble: 6 × 3
#>   Value PL20                                         color_palette
#>   <dbl> <chr>                                        <chr>        
#> 1  2001 Hutan lahan kering primer                    #006600      
#> 2  2002 Hutan lahan kering sekunder / bekas tebangan #009933      
#> 3  2005 Hutan rawa primer                            #663300      
#> 4 20051 Hutan rawa sekunder / bekas tebangan         #996600      
#> 5  2004 Hutan mangrove primer                        #666633      
#> 6 20041 Hutan mangrove sekunder / bekas tebangan     #999900