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The lut_trajectory tibble contains a lookup table that maps trajectory IDs to their corresponding land cover trajectory descriptions. This lookup table is used to assign meaningful labels to the land cover change trajectories identified in the analysis.




A tibble with 8 rows and 2 columns:


The unique identifier for each land cover trajectory (integer).


The description of the land cover trajectory corresponding to each traj_id (character).


LUMENSR package


The land cover trajectories represented in this lookup table are:

  1. Undisturbed forest: Areas that have remained as undisturbed forest throughout the analysis period.

  2. Logged-over forest: Forest areas that have been subject to logging activities.

  3. Monoculture tree-based plantation: Plantations that consist of a single tree species, typically grown for commercial purposes.

  4. Shrub, grass, and cleared land: Areas covered by shrubs, grasslands, or land that has been cleared of its previous vegetation.

  5. Agriculture/annual crop: Land used for agricultural purposes, particularly for growing annual crops.

  6. Mixed tree-based plantation: Plantations that consist of multiple tree species, often with a mix of commercial and native species.

  7. Others: Land cover types that do not fall into any of the other defined categories.

  8. Settlement and built-up area: Areas that have been developed for human settlement, including urban and rural built-up areas.

This lookup table is typically used in conjunction with the land cover change analysis functions in the LUMENSR package. It helps in assigning meaningful labels to the identified land cover trajectories, making the results more interpretable.