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This function generates a tibble that maps trajectory IDs to their corresponding land cover trajectory names and definitions.




A tibble with three columns: ID (the ID of each land cover trajectory), trajectory (the name of each land cover trajectory), and def (the definition of each land cover trajectory).


traj_lookup <- create_traj_lookup()
#> # A tibble: 6 × 3
#>   ID    trajectory                 def               
#>   <chr> <chr>                      <chr>             
#> 1 1_1   Stable natural forest      Stable forest     
#> 2 2_2   Stable natural forest      Stable forest     
#> 3 1_2   Loss to logged-over forest Forest degradation
#> 4 2_1   Recovery to forest         Reforestation     
#> 5 3_1   Recovery to forest         Reforestation     
#> 6 4_1   Recovery to forest         Reforestation