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This function shortens the character column values in a data frame by removing vowels after the first character, and also provides an option to disable this vowel removal. It replaces spaces with underscores and removes characters after a slash. If no column names are provided, the function attempts to find and use the first character column in the data frame.


abbreviate_by_column(df, col_names = NULL, remove_vowels = FALSE)



A data frame.


A character vector specifying the names of the columns to be abbreviated. If NULL (default), the function attempts to use the first character column.


A logical value indicating whether to remove vowels from column values after the first character. Default is FALSE.


A data frame with specified columns abbreviated.


df <- data.frame(
  col1 = c("Hutan lahan kering sekunder / bekas tebangan", "Savanna / Padang rumput"),
  col2 = c("Hutan lahan kering sekunder", "Savanna"),
  stringsAsFactors = FALSE
abbreviate_by_column(df, c("col1", "col2"), remove_vowels=TRUE)
#>                 col1               col2
#> 1 Htn_lhn_krng_skndr Htn_lhn_krng_skndr
#> 2               Svnn               Svnn